Friday, August 12, 2011

Beautiful Big Bear

My parents have some very dear friends who have a home in Palm Springs but they head for the cooler climate of the surrounding mountains during the hot summer months that the desert definitely serves up. 
Bert and Jim's lovely mountain home
Big Bear Lake is a near ideal place to spend the summer.  Towering pines, a gorgeous lake, blue skies forever, no humidity: hmmm, sounds a bit like Sweden! The cabins are not red however! The days are shorter and the temperatures higher but I could definitely see myself spending summers in Big Bear! In this house! Seeing the ski slopes descending along the mountainside was a cool sight in the middle of the summer. I loved being out on the lake, taking in the beautiful properties that line the shores.  In the evening the temperature dropped and the cool air provided a wonderful environment in which to rest.  Blue skies, green pine, beautiful Blue Jays...what a wonderfully artistic color palette God decided to use in this area.We had a great time together.  We ate our meals outside, played a lot of cards, poked fun at politics (both sides took a beating!) and made each other laugh a lot.  We ended our time together with breakfast at the Grizzly Cafe, a classic American style breakfast joint.  No frills, just great food.  I ordered the biggest pancake I've ever seen! It tasted great but I could not finish it!
I am very thankful that my parents have such dear, wonderful friends.  Thanks Jim and Bert for a great mountain getaway!


  1. Sandra, ridiculous in size! Delicious in taste but I should've split one with my mom! It makes sense why our nation struggles with weight when you see portions like that!
