Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 8: The Second Sunday in Advent

Today we lit the second candle, often known as the candle of peace. There is much longing in our world today for peace. Iraq, Congo, and Zimbabwe are some of major conflict centers of our world. On a smaller scale, perhaps there are people in you life with whom you lack peace. Where is the conflict in the center of your world this Christmas? Is this not a good time to think about your personal peace accord? It's worth pondering. Jesus was called the Prince of Peace. We are urged in God's word to live at peace with one another, as far as we are able. What this means is that each one of us needs to do our part to actively promote peace, not simply wait around for those we find contrary to make themselves lovable. That is unlikely to happen anyway.
So why not think for a moment where there may be a remnant of conflict brewing in your soul and why not use this advent journey to help you make peace with that aspect of your life? The Prince of Peace would be pleased, oh, and by the will you.

Side note: The reason that this blog didn't get up on time is because we buried our good friend yesterday. His funeral was difficult, quite possibly the most difficult we've ever done. And yet, the hope, the love, and the outpouring of grace was also evident. We thank God for who Ken was in our lives. Our heart aches for his wife and kids and yet they too are trusting in the peace of Christ to see them through. Peace to the memory of Kenneth Lindberg.

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