Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 20: God's Mercy

Has it ever dawned on you that God's mercy is made manifest through the way in which He chooses to use us? Remarkable, really, that the God of heaven and earth would trust His work on earth to us. We can be quite unreliable, self-centered, and not so focused on the things of heaven. And yet, God has determined that because of His great love for us, He would send Jesus into the world to save us from our own sin, and eventually empower us for ministry. Have you ever considered the ways in which God wanting to use you as acts of mercy on behalf of an omnipotent God?
What's key here is our response. Are we reluctant to be called upon, seeing God's desire to use as a burden? Or are we eager, understanding that even though some of what we are called to might involve a tough road, but even so, we understand the higher goal than our own mere comfort?
We gladly accept God's mercy in our failures. Can we also welcome God's mercy when being called upon to serve?

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